
High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) is an advanced non-invasive procedure for precision facial rejuvenation. This innovative technology utilises focused ultrasound waves to target specific layers of skin tissue without the need for surgery or incisions. HIFU is renowned for its ability to stimulate collagen production, offering benefits such as skin tightening and rejuvenation. Niksskin can customise HIFU treatment to address specific patient needs, ensuring tailored procedures for optimal results. HIFU is suitable for various skin types, making it an inclusive option for individuals seeking skin tightening and rejuvenation.


During a HIFU session, high-frequency ultrasound waves are directed to precise depths within the skin, generating controlled heat. This heat stimulates the production of collagen, a key protein responsible for skin firmness and elasticity. The treatment is non-surgical and focuses on specific areas, providing a skin tightening effect that reduces sagging and diminishes wrinkles. With minimal downtime, individuals can swiftly resume their daily activities shortly after the procedure. HIFU's versatility allows it to address various concerns, including sagging skin, wrinkles, and fine lines, on different areas of the face and neck.


The gradual results of HIFU become noticeable over weeks as the body's natural collagen production continues. This leads to a more lifted and tightened appearance, contributing to overall skin rejuvenation. The gradual nature of collagen stimulation leads to natural-looking results, avoiding the abrupt changes associated with more invasive procedures. HIFU's precision targeting capability allows for the focused stimulation of specific layers of skin, promoting collagen production and effectively tightening sagging areas.

Key Info

While HIFU offers numerous benefits, it may not be suitable for everyone due to factors like skin type, medical history, and treatment expectations. HIFU uses focused ultrasound energy to tighten the skin and stimulate collagen production, but individuals with severe acne or active infections may not be suitable candidates. Individuals with certain skin conditions, such as active infections, severe sunburns, or open wounds, may need to postpone treatments until their skin has healed. It's crucial for individuals considering HIFU to undergo a consultation with us to assess their suitability and discuss potential risks and benefits.