First Appointment



For new clients seeking a comprehensive skincare experience, we recommend booking a First Appointment. This all-inclusive session combines a thorough consultation with a tailored treatment to address your unique skincare needs and goals.


During your First Appointment, our skincare specialists will conduct a detailed consultation to assess your skin concerns and preferences. Based on this assessment, you'll receive personalised recommendations for treatments designed to rejuvenate and enhance your skin. Choose from a variety of options tailored to different price points, ensuring flexibility and accessibility for every client.


Embark on your skincare journey with confidence, knowing that your First Appointment is a gateway to transformative results. We offer a range of treatments at varying price ranges, allowing you to select the option that best suits your budget and skincare goals. The ultimate reward is the cultivation of a skincare routine that supports a healthy and radiant complexion.

Key Info

Our First Appointment is generally suitable for most individuals, however there are certain considerations. For those with pre-existing skin conditions requiring medical attention, a consultation with a dermatologist may be more appropriate. Additionally, individuals with known allergies to specific skincare ingredients should inform the skincare professional to avoid potential adverse reactions. Individuals with severe skin conditions may need specialised care beyond basic skincare routines, and in such cases, consultation with a dermatologist is recommended.