Teenage Consultation



A Teenage Consultation involves a comprehensive assessment of the teenager's skin type, concerns, and lifestyle to tailor a suitable skincare routine. The goal is to establish healthy habits and address specific issues like acne, dryness, or sensitivity. The consultation lays the foundation for a personalised approach to skincare that emphasises simplicity and consistency.


The consultation begins with an analysis of the teenager's skin type and concerns. Based on this assessment, a basic skincare routine is recommended, comprising a gentle cleanser, a suitable moisturiser, and daily sunscreen. Additional recommendations address specific issues such as acne or dryness, involving targeted products like salicylic acid for acne or hydrating formulas for dry skin. The focus is on simplicity and age-appropriate products to nurture the skin.


The rewards of a Teenage Consultation are numerous. A personalised routine can lead to improved skin health, reduced acne, and a balanced complexion. Establishing good skincare habits early on promotes a lifelong commitment to self-care. By addressing specific concerns, teenagers may experience increased confidence and a positive relationship with their skin. The ultimate reward is the cultivation of a skincare routine that supports a healthy and radiant complexion.

Key Info

Our Teenage Consultation is generally suitable for most individuals, however there are certain considerations. For those with pre-existing skin conditions requiring medical attention, a consultation with a dermatologist may be more appropriate. Additionally, individuals with known allergies to specific skincare ingredients should inform the skincare professional to avoid potential adverse reactions. Teenagers with severe skin conditions may need specialised care beyond basic skincare routines, and in such cases, consultation with a dermatologist is recommended.

  • 30 mins

    With Executive Therapist.

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