Laser Hair Removal



At Niksskin, we utilise Nd:YAG Laser Hair Removal, a cosmetic procedure employing a specific laser type to eliminate unwanted body hair. This laser emits a beam of light absorbed by the melanin in hair follicles, damaging them and impeding future growth.


Nd:YAG lasers are adept at targeting hair follicles without harming surrounding skin, making them suitable for darker skin tones and larger body areas like the back or legs. The procedure involves multiple sessions spaced weeks apart for optimal results, with strict adherence to pre- and post-treatment instructions essential to minimise risks.


Nd:YAG laser hair removal boasts several benefits, including precision targeting, safety across diverse skin tones, swift treatment times, long-lasting results, minimal discomfort, versatility across body areas, and improved skin texture, reducing ingrown hairs for smoother skin.

Key Info

While generally safe, Nd:YAG Laser Hair Removal may not be suitable for everyone. Pregnant individuals, those with a history of skin cancer, active skin infections or cold sores, and individuals on certain medications or with recent sun exposure. A comprehensive Laser Consultation with our skin specialist is necessary to assess your unique needs and ensure suitability for the treatment.